Contact us

Please get in touch

You can contact the FEI team by filling in the simple form below.  We have also included our direct contact details.

To find out more about FEI’s mentoring and CFO programs, please contact Michelle Reynolds Patel, Chief Executive Officer.

Michelle Reynolds Patel
Chief Executive Officer

P: 0404 015 810

For assistance with membership, bookings and payments, please contact Sally Fortune, Membership & Events Manager.

Sally Fortune
Membership & Events Manager

P: 0412 255 979

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    FEI's Address

    Financial Executives Institute of Australia
    Level 24, Three International Towers
    300 Barangaroo Avenue
    Barangaroo NSW 2000


    FEI accelerates finance careers - for you and your team

    FEI mentoring

    FEI supports the careers of CFOs and Senior Finance Execs through:


    Our mentoring programs are world class. Supported by Australia’s leading CFOs, designed to develop future top executives.


    Our events, forums and tools tap into the depth of experience available in our extensive network.


    We facilitate curated introductions between members to make building peer networks easy and effective.

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